Sweet Cicely provides beautiful English country flowers

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Landline: 01984 667577

What We Provide

For Florists – Wholesale

For the past five years, we have supplied local florists directly. The flowers are cut to order.  We pride ourselves on our quality and freshness and being a trained florist, I understand what florists require in terms of optimum stem length and vase life. If you are a florist and […]

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PYO Flowers

Pick Your Own

Don’t be constrained by what supermarkets or florists present you with. Make your own selection of flowers for a friend or for yourself, knowing that they are fresh, local and with a bit of you in them.

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bucket of beautiful mixed flowers

DIY Friday Flowers

You can order a bucket of flowers and foliage every Friday from April which you can arrange for yourself.  There will be enough flowers to make a large vase arrangement and a couple of jam jar posies.  The flowers will change every week according to what is in season. The […]

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Our Growing Principles


I grow things naturally with no chemicals or pesticides, if I have to lose a few plants to bugs or rabbits then that is the way it is.


I believe Mother nature had things planned out for us before we invented planes ,supermarkets and chemical processing. Just as we harvest our food seasonally, we do our flowers too.


I want to make sure that my flowers arrive with you as if they had just been cut from your own garden. They are picked, conditioned, arranged and ready within hours.

Long Lasting

Making everything go further, I cut and condition each flower according to its own specific requirements so that they last as long in the vase as they possibly can.